On Monday 11 March 2013 10:17 AM, Prof. Partha wrote:
> I am a teacher (Professor).  I am also a serious and committed
> practioner/promoter of FOSS/Linux.
> As part of my responsibilities at Kathmandu Univ,  where I teach
> cryptography and security, I plan to set up a lab for security related
> experiments. It will consist of a LAN with a https server connected to
> the web. People can try different kinds of attacks and coutermeasures
> etc, in a controlled, "real-time"  environment. Do you know anyone who
> has set up something similar ? Can you connect me to that person ? I
> would also like to visit Chennai sometime, and see some institutions
> which do such kinds of things. Can you suggest some institutions (and
> contact person) ? Any other suggestions in this matter will also be most
> welcome. Tell me which period is best for all this.
> Of course, I do not want doze users to bother about this mail.
> Please respond directly, off the list. Sometimes I miss the messages
> which I receive from this list, in digest form.
> Thanks,
> partha
I conducted hacks against web pages and defended them . I don't really 
understand on what granularity you are talking about. Any thing, even  
apiece of embedded hardware can be hacked. In short no system is 100% safe.

Karthikeyan A K

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