Good thing. I agree with you.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Girish Venkatachalam <> wrote:

> In today's world only knowledge counts.
> If you have knowledge by virtue of experience and suffering then you can
>  internalize lot more knowledge. By starting small you can get momentum
>  and move up, little by little and make giant leaps in time.
> But if you wish to sit on the periphery and measure the depth with your
> feet
>  then you will always be a loser.
> Being a loser is a very usual ordinary and common thing in India. To not
> have
>  ability and hard work and a thirst for knowledge is very
> But
>  that is not the way the world works.
> A lot of the companies I worked for in IITM and came across in Chennai
> are interested
>  in selling to Indian govt, or to Africa or South America or to colleges.
> Why?
> Or they want to be involved with colleges in some manner.
> Why?
> Answer is very simple.
> They want to stay a loser all their lives and play with weak fools.
> This approach has multiple problems. Failure is guaranteed. But along
>  with that as I always find you will not have money to continue running the
>  business.
> And from my experience India is not the market for IT. But for movies,
> cricket,
>  entertainment, jewelry and so on India is great. You can tap into the
> disposable
> income and rise in the purchasing power of many metros.
> If you do anything at all in the world of technology, be it by way of
> software or
>  hardware or again software(software is bigger than everything else),
> then focus on
>  the entire world.
> In particular look at the most happening place, the USA or Europe or
> Australia or Japan.
> The developed markets will reward you for doing a good job and pay you
> easily and correctly.
> It is truly remarkable how having spent all my life in India and
> having never studied abroad
>  I am so different from others....
> I used to imagine for a long time that Indian market does not require
> great quality or features, only
>  the problem at hand needs to be solved. But I was proven wrong. After
> a painful span of more than
>  2 years. People don't treat you properly, they won't pay(many do) and
> decisions never get made.
> Instead one is much better off focusing on the entire worldwide market
> and using Internet as the
>  delivery medium for your product or service and also deliver support.
> By staying away from other Indians who will pull you down by way of
> their weak womanly thinking,
>  by teaching you to adopt bad methods like bribery, cheating, not
> winning by fairness or quality,
>  you will get polluted and lose the charm of doing the knowledge business.
> The true mark of a successful man is total lack of fear when you see a
> similar businessman or
>  someone who is doing something like you. If you have real worth
> nobody can steal your bread.
> Out of the people I have met in India all my life 7 out of 10 people
> are mortally afflicted by fear
>  of someone else stealing their cake. This seems to be a really normal
> thing in India, but I don't think
>  this is normal around the world.
> As I said stay focused on learning and keep updating yourself
> continuously, keep improving
>  continuously.
> It is best to stay away from other colleagues and friends who hate you
> because you are not weak like them.
> That is fine. Live with it. Your best friend if knowledge, not your
> friends. Trust me. I am not lying.
> -Girish
> --
> Gayatri Hitech
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