Hi Shrini,

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Shrinivasan T <tshriniva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a 4 years old server running Debian 4 and Zimbra email server
> version 4.

Debian 4 is no longer supported and it is recommended to upgrade to
Debian stable (7.0 - Wheezy) or old stable (6.0 - Squeeze).

> I removed the hard disk from old server and inserted into new server,
> hoping that it will work as normal.
> But, it seems that old debian 4 can not recognize the new hardware and dont
> have the modules.
> See the error message we get while booting.
> https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/c-B8Jv3DfJWS6j-EexKxSIJG8RGg5-YvtRYupVay4rWD=w551-h543-no
> /dev/sda2 is the / partition.
> Is there any way to make this system up and running with new hardware?

You can try dist-upgrading to stable/oldstable distros and see if
things work. Otherwise you might have to fiddle with stuff like
compiling the kernel and etc., which imho is unnecessary most of the
times when a distro like Debian provides well-tested stable packages.
Ymmv. You could also try installing the latest debian on the new
server and try to migrate various software running on the old server
and copy the data to the new server.

Thanks & Regards,
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