On 5 November 2013 16:43, A. Mani <a.mani....@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is nothing specific about free software in the document.
> There are serious differences between the idea and implementation of
> free software and open source
> which are particularly relevant in the context of this document. Do see
> https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html
> for relevant details.
They always miss the point :P

> The only concern for OSS seems to be 'reduced cost'. As far as "free
> software" is concerned, the people drafting the document seem to
> interpret "free" as "gratis" instead of "free as in freedom" (p.39).

Yes they always do it , I even see some news media doing that , thats
a very common perception and yes it needs to be changed.

> Nothing is said about security models, openness of information,
> knowledge commons and transparency of processes - that can be the
> outcome of free software adoption.

I remember reading previous versions but wasnt feeling optimistic
enough to suggest , I am happy you have brought this up here, lets
have a detailed discussion .

> Why does the document say so little about funding free software projects?

Maybe because of ignorance ?

> The document propagates FUD of proprietary software developers in
> regard to free software licenses like GNU-GPL. It should be required
> that all software developed by the Government must be under GNU-GPL-3
> and above or Affero-GNU-GPL in special cases. GNU-GPL-3+ remains the
> best license for almost all use cases including commercial ones. For
> more on licenses see
> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-recommendations.html and
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html .


> Non copy-left
> licenses should not be tolerated. They eventually amount to infringing
> on people's fundamental rights.

We (speaking for most of us here ) ofcourse arent happy with it , will
the people who draft it care ?

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