On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:43 PM, madhusudhanan Elangovan
<madhusudhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks all for your suggestions. My Target stack is a mix of solaris, linux
> vm's . So i need a single jenkins job for a project release to do the build
> and create packages for solaris and linux VM's . I've used .pkg for solaris
> and RPM for linux , so far i've been using two build servers solaris and
> RHEL to build RPM's and solaris package respectively.  But having a single
> server to create both RPM's and Solaris package would help me to remove the
> Linux server and save some cost.

This has more information. That is useful. If I understand the above
correctly, you do have a single CI job that uses two different build
systems to generate the appropriate packages/package_format. In a
separate response you mention that this is a Java application. That
you do care about proper packaging/package format would indicate that
you want to stick to the native packaging system for your target
deployments. In that context, Shakthi has provided an important input
- doing native builds will help you derive greater value from
packaging/deployment/administration and also help in debugging causes
of build failure, if any.

sankarshan mukhopadhyay
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