Namaste All,

Recently, I turned to Xfce4 from unity desktop environment. And, it was
good (though not up to the mark) but working fine with my old machine.

Few days back, I experienced the same problem as I faced today which let me
to explore what is it happening with xfce4. And, the issue is:

I was working smoothly but all of sudden every opened window (like:
Firefox, Chrome, gedit, Window Manager, Rhythmbox etc.) got disappear
somewhere and I am not able to access anyone of those. But, when I do <top>
command or <ps -aux | grep gedit> then I am getting the specific <pid> but
it doesn't have <pts/x>.

On that I am getting <??>

What exactly is this? I searched my level best but failed to find a
suitable solution for my issue. Are there any specific links which help me
to recover my all working windows once again?

Songs are being played in Rhythmbox (while writing this mail). I have some
content in gedit which is not saved and I need that. With the rest I can
compromise (session would be restored in Chrome and Firefox). But can't in

Now, putting my laptop on suspend mode (sudo pm-suspend). Don't want to
loose my unsaved content which is being written in gedit.

Are there any ways to bring the running application to front by having its
I googled but failed to get. Still searching but in the mean time please
guide me.

Thank you.


*Regards,Sahil ModGill*
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