On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Arun Khan <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't have 2750U.  This is a closed box and you will get only what
> the manufacturer has decided to provide.
Hmmm..... There are other logs which this throws but the wireless

> >
> > My Idea is to make the device send the log to a central syslog server
> which
> > send out an email to my gmail that a new device joined my WLAN.
> >
> >
> ftp://support.dlink.co.in/broadband/DSL-2750U/manual/DSL-2750U_C1_Manual_IN_1.00.pdf
> >
> Makes sense, but the above doc does not mention any "remote" syslog
> capability in this box.  So how do you plan to accomplish logging to a
> "remote" syslog server?
In Page 82 we can change mode to say Remote or Local or Both.  I already
have it configured for remote however this closed box will not produce the
log which I want.

> For Wi-Fi APs, I go through www.openwrt.org and www.dd-wrt.com to see
> what brand/models are supported and then look for them in the
> marketplace.
> You could build your own with PC Engines Alix boxes but be prepared to
> pay around US$150 by the time you are done with S+H and customs duty.
> With either you will get a lot more flexibility in configuring them.

150 is a lot for normal DSL :-( from a user in home stand point.

Balasubramaniam Natarajan
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