Hi All,

A friend of mine, Noufal[1] as part of the Pipal Academy[2] is
planning to conduct a paid Git workshop in the city and he wanted to
know if there would be enough takers for it.

Noufal has conducted a few of them before as well and they have all
been very well received.  Here is a bit about the workshop:

"A 2 day git workshop that covers the popular distributed version
control system inside out. A course valuable to all programmers who
stumble around with git and memorise commands to "get out of
situations" rather than develop a good mental model of git that makes
them self reliant, confident and effective with the tool."

and a bit about him:

"My name is Noufal Ibrahim. I've been teaching git professionally for
around 5 years now. I've taught it to several corporate audiences and
have conducted public classes before in association with hasgeek. I've
been very active answering git questions on stackoverflow."

It would be much appreciated if the people who are interested could
reply here indicating the same. This will give Noufal a decent idea of
the kind of demand.

He plans to have the workshop sometime in the month of April and it
will be on a Saturday and Sunday.

Please feel free to write in with any questions and if you want more
details as to which topics will be covered.

Thanks & Best Regards,

[1]: https://twitter.com/noufalibrahim
[2]: http://pipal.in/
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