Namaste Everyone,

Recently, I was read an article on 'Silk Route' (online drug sale) and came
to know that it's a hard nut for security agencies to trace the network
traffic because severs were encrypted using Tor.

My question is : How is it possible to make servers every request and
response encrypted so that there is no trace of it? It may be impossible to
make it completely encrypted but up to certain extent of level drug market
guys have done it.

As I know, we have Tor browser bundle and Tor desktop client (which I
failed to install properly and encrypt my traffic on Ubuntu system).

If the server is behind Tor then how did they use Tor to encrypt all of
their traffic encrypted? And, if there is some other logic then kindly
share/explain that too.

How did they do it? What are the steps?

Having <https> and hardened down your server are the only best possible
methods to make your server secure from outside world. Kindly explain.

My question may seem out of topic (because not related to Open Source) but
I am curious and want to know about it.

Please share from your experience OR connect the dots.

Thank you in advance.


*Regards,Sahil ModGill*
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