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From: Mozilla Tamilnadu <mozchen...@gmail.com>
Date: 2015-06-04 0:00 GMT+05:30
Subject: Weeks of Contribution - Week1

Dear All,

It is really a great moment to share with you all about Weeks of
Contribution Program.

It is run with volunteers to bring new contributors and to share
knowledge. This event is mainly focused for those people who love to
learn and contribute for any of the Mozilla related products for the
first time.

Each and every week we will be taking one contribution area and share
our knowledge with you all. Will share how to contribute on that area,
the important regional mailing list information, IRC channels.

We will be creating a leader board(s) to share who contributed on
different areas.

For this Week we are going to share some contest info with you.

Mozilla Location Service
Logo Creation


Introduction about Weeks of Contribution
Introduction about Mozilla Location Services
Introduction about Logo Creation

Date 5th June 2015 at 9.00 PM IST
Hangouts Link: https://plus.google.com/events/cd27lgj3ssq6ui5h0i8c9itdkhg

Etherpad link: https://moztn.etherpad.mozilla.org/Introduction-week

Reps portal link: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/weeks-of-contribution-week-1/

At the end of this program, contributors who are doing well will be
invited to form Tamilnadu Task Force. Tamilnadu Task Force event is
planned during August / September 2015.

Task Force Tamilnadu (Tentative)


Firefox Add-ons Development
Firefox OS app Development
Coding & Bug Fixing

Creative & Social Media
WoMoz : Women in Mozilla and FOSS
Firefox Student Ambassadors

Dont forget to share with your friends, it is one of the greatest help.

Thank you

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My Life with GNU/Linux : http://goinggnu.wordpress.com
Free E-Magazine on Free Open Source Software in Tamil : http://kaniyam.com

Get CollabNet Subversion Edge :     http://www.collab.net/svnedge
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