
Topic: Project Euler


I would like to start a new series in the meet-up where the
participants will be given a task to solve in 10 minutes. It could be
a simple computational problem from Project Euler, or some scripting
or command that we may find useful for our day-to-day work. After 10
minutes, we can discuss the various solutions that people have come up
with. This is to improve our problem-solving, and technical skills.

You can solve it using any of the following approaches:
1. Pen/pencil and paper (can be verified on a system)

2. Laptop/netbook (without Internet connection)
You can install whatever F/OSS software and documentation that you are
familiar with, before you come to the meet-up.

3. Laptop/netbook (with Internet connection during the meet-up)

Duration: 30 minutes

About Yourself: Shakthi Kannan is a Free Software enthusiast who blogs
at shakthimaan.com.


Shakthi Kannan
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