---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Prasanna Venkadesh" <prasmai...@gmail.com>
Date: 8 Feb 2016 14:24
Subject: [puduvailug] TRAI Rules in Favor of Net Neutrality
To: "puduvailug" <puduvai...@freelists.org>

Kudos to all who took a stand to defend the Net Neutrality in India.
TRAI has released a press statement upholding the principles of Net
Neutrality and drops the idea of differential data pricing.


This fight is important because we have fought against the mammoths who
spent huge amount of money in lobbying the public through online and
offline media. The collective effort by all the free software & Internet
freedom activists from various organizations have made this possible.

Statement from

   1. FSFTN: http://fsftn.org/blog/we-have-defended-net-neutrality/
   2. FSMI: http://fsmi.in/content/net-neutrality-upheld-peoples-victory

On this occasion, I would like to reshare the pictures of our offline
protest at Pondicherry Beach:

Congratulations everyone. Spread the Word.

Thanks & Regards,
Prasanna Venkadesh.
Free Software Hardware Movement Pondicherry
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