On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 19:58, MALKIAT BENIPAL thus hollered from the roof
top :
> Dear Mr.Dey,
> I am sorry that I am contacing u offlist for my problem as I hope that
> I wud receipt a prompt reply for the same.
> In dos if we wish to remove a  non-empty directory, we may use the
> deltree command. But what is the command for removal of a non-empty
> one in linux. I tried rmdir and rm commands in linux with all their
> available switches but of no avail. It asks for removal of all the
> subdirectories and files individually under the main directory that I
> intend to remove. I find it very irritating, particularly when the
> directory is large one. 
> So pl. guide what is Command for removal of a non-empty directory.
> Also pl. provide with Syntax for confirmtion as well as without
> confirmation before removal of a non-empty directory.
> Thanks in anticipation
> malkiat

Firstly :- Please do not contact me off list. If you ask some questions
on the list then the subsequent answer may be archived there for future
use by somebody else facing the same problem. In future kindly ask the
questions on the list.

Secondly :- As to your problem , you neglected to mention the
distribution you are using. I am assuming it is RedHat. For deleting
directories recursively you can use rm -rf /path/to/dir. Be careful be
very very careful when playing around with rm -rf. You have been warned.
If you want to delete the directory interactively that is if you want it
to prompt you with a yes/no option before deleting the contents in the
dir then you can use rm -ri /path/to/dir

But if you are using a distro like RedHat the command rm is aliased as
rm -i by default. To get around this you can either put a "\" before the
rm command without the quotes of course or you can unalias rm. So to
delete recursively all the directories without prompting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Knoppix32]#\rm -rf /path/to/dir 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Knoppix32]#unalias rm; rm -rf /path/to/dir

If you were a normal user RedHat does not alias the rm command then you
can simply use rm -rf. Further help on alias you can get from "man
alias" it is a bash built in command.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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