okay, this sounds even better.


IBM Points Out SCO's GPL Software Distribution

    An anonymous reader writes "Cnet is reporting that [0]IBM has launched
    a counterstrike against SCO Group's attack on Linux users, arguing that
    SCO's demands for Unix license payments are undermined by its earlier
    shipment of an open-source Linux product." [1]JayJay.br points out a
    similar but more colorful article on The Register "in which SCO says
    that 'SCO-Caldera [2]does not own the copyrights to JFS (Journaling
    File System), RCU (Read, Copy, and Update), NUMA (Non-uniform Memory
    Access) software, and other IBM-developed AIX code that IBM contributed
    to the Linux kernel.' Gee, now that I was almost buying their license
    0. http://asia.cnet.com/newstech/systems/0,39001153,39143645,00.htm
    1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://mozillaquest.com/Linux03/ScoSource-24-Copyrights_Story01.html

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