I would like to make a few suggestions to Subodh on mounting NTFS partitions under Redhat.

Firstly please check whether NTFS support is enabled in the kernel. Redhat doesn't support NTFS in the kernel due to certain legal reasons. I dont know about PCQ Linux 8.0. Check whether NTFS is supported by executing

# cat /proc/filesystems

If you see the word NTFS in the output then you are through! Else you will have to download the NTFS modules for your kernel from


Install the RPM for your kernel you obtained from the site.
You may also compile a kernel with NTFS support from the kernel sources if you can.

After this phase is over, type

# fdisk -l /dev/hda

to find the devices mapped to your windows NTFS partitions. If your C Drive is NTFS, you will see hda1 mapped to NTFS and so on...

Now, create mount points for your NTFS partitions like:

# mkdir /mnt/win_drive

and then mount the partition (READ ONLY) by:

# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win_drive -t ntfs -r

Be careful not to mount the drive with default settings as then it mounts in rw mode which may end up screwing your NTFS file system.

Remember to unmount the drive before shutdown by doing

# umount /mnt/win_drive

To automagically do all the above stuff of mounting and unmounting, add the following line to your /etc/fstab file:

/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs ro 0 0

Note: Remember not to mount the drive with write option as it is not fully supported. If you store any tarballs in the NTFS drive and try to unzip them using gzip or bunzip etc, you will be writing to the NTFS partition. Don't do this as it may result in a corrupted file-system.

Subodh wrote:
From: "# Subodh #" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ilugd] accessing NTFS
Hi !

I have a PCQLinux8.0. Can i access NTFS partions in Linux n How ?
n Can anyone tell me why Linux is so dead slow on my pc....as compared to
windows 2k pro or xp pro. I have a celeron at 667MHz and 64 MB RAM.


SUßOÐH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Voice : 91 - 011 - 27513050 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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