Hi all,

Ok people due to some problems did not receive mail from the list or for
that matter anywhere in the world except, and i reiterate except from
the RedHat 9 Shrike Mailing List. 

My question is when our server name could not be resolved by anybody in
the world how was shrike-list able to send me mails regularly without
fail. Somebody please explain, this has been eating my mind since the
last 2 days.

And by saying "not resolved by anybody" I really mean anybody since we
were trying like mad to find out the problem and the initial blame was
us since we recently upgraded the server to RH 9 from a Mandrake system
so we did not realise it was our ISP messing with our alloted domain

Although I could not reply to the shrike list as the list was bouncing
it back with the following error. 

<Error Stuff in bounced message>

The original message was received at Mon, 4 Aug 2003 10:00:59 +0800
from []

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    (reason: 553 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to mx1.redhat.com.:
<<< 553 5.1.8 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Domain of sender address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist
501 5.6.0 Data format error

</Error Stuff in bounced message>

P.S. - Pardon my stupid mail from yesterday or so enquiring about the
mailing list was toooo dumb to realise that mailman has set the nomail
option for my account since the mails were bouncing from it.

P.P.S - How come the archive on the mailing list site not been updated
for the last week or so? Or am I mistaken in this tooo. 

Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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