24th august, sunday, 3pm,
venue cgo complex. [more data by kishore bhargava]

L I N U X  D E L H I  M E E T I N G

talks by 
        1) mary
        2) spoonman
        3) tarun dua (back from haridwar)
        4)  . . .
        [request these and other speakers to post their topic. if using slide 
presentations, please use openoffice's impress or other FLOSS. please feel 
proud to be powerless and pointless. Use Impress]. :-)
        more people willing to share their expertise and knowledge please volunteer 
to give a talk.

        1) gpg key signing
        2) cd burning and sharing (post your requests for distros, cds, etc)
        3) L I N U X   B I R T H D AY b a s h
        ceremonial lamp will be lit. indian sweets distributed.

see you guys there. let's have a show of strength this time to match the mood 
of the monsoons.


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