Damn clear, thanx :)

$ Yes you can.  However, once you have sold the package (and 
$ the source, of course) to one person, s/he can further resell 
$ it, give it away, or do whatever s/he pleases with it, so 
$ it's slightly difficult to make more than one sale of a GPL package.
$ It depends on what enhancements they made and what the 
$ original license of LVS was.  If LVS was GPL and RH added 
$ code to the original code base to enhance it, then yes, they 
$ must provide you with source if you buy the binaries (if you 
$ do, pass on a copy here ;)  OTOH if RH only added extra 
$ functionality as a separate program on top of LVS, or if LVS 
$ wasn't GPL in the first place, then RH is under no obligation 
$ to give you the source.

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