
[Interesting article.  Of course, it begs the question of what happens
in the case of free software if vendors become liable for flaws in
their software.  I'd think that a simple `if you give the source away
you are not liable' clause would cover that part of it.  Comments?]

A legal fix for software flaws?

By Declan McCullagh
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
August 26, 2003, 4:00 AM PT

Thomas Leavitt, a system administrator and veteran of three Silicon
Valley start-ups, has dealt with computer worms and viruses before.

But the severity of last week's Sobig.F and MSBlast.D attacks got him
thinking harder than ever about a cure. Finding and punishing their
anonymous authors would be a start. But shouldn't Microsoft also be
partly to blame?

"Civil engineers very rarely make a mistake, and when they do it's a
career-ending one," Leavitt said. "The software we're using at this
point has the potential to create damage as bad or worse."

Microsoft's security failings may draw repeated beatings in the court
of public opinion, but they will likely never be tested in a court of
law unless current product liability statutes are rewritten, legal
experts agree.

Problems with physical products routinely yield multimillion-dollar
verdicts and settlements in litigation-happy America. But software
vendors are largely protected from product defect claims thanks to
unusual exemptions enshrined in typical software licenses--boilerplate
known in the industry as End User License Agreements (EULAs) or
"shrink-wrap" licenses, so called because they're often printed inside
the shrink-wrapped box containing the product or incorporated into the
software itself.

Full article at:

-- Raju
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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