Raj is right. Just refer Mr Karim's new book on embedded system and there u will find 
more details.


Nikhil Bhargava, 

Research Enginneer, 
CDOT Delhi 

"The Linux-Delhi mailing list" wrote:

>>>>> "Robins" == Robins Tharakan writes:

Robins> hi, i need to compile a pretty simple c program for a
Robins> win32 platform.

Robins> i frankly hate to run TurboC through dosemu to do this
Robins> stuff (which means a pain of installing dosemu.. but thats
Robins> another story..).

Robins> gcc mult5.c -b win32 -o mult gives :
>> gcc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or
>> directory

You'll have to install (or compile) a cross-compiling gcc. You'll
also probably need a full set of cross-* tools, such as a
cross-assembler, cross-linker and the Win32 libraries.


-- Raju
Raj Mathur [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://kandalaya.org/
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