On Wednesday, September 03, 2003 6:09 PM [GMT+0800=SGT],
Shuvam Misra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 29 Aug 2003, Sanjeev "Ghane" Gupta wrote:
>> Either you own the network, in which case you can set, and
>> enforce, an "Acceptable Use Policy", or you don't, and you
>> shouldn't be interfering with traffic.
> As we all (including you, sir) know, this Controlling by Fiat
> works only with certain kinds of users or environments. Whether
> the user will listen to you depends on what the user believes
> will happen to _him_ if he is found disobeying your fiat.

My "fiat" is based on the "Carrot & Stick" concept, the carrot being I
let the user livi in peace.

Luckily, perhaps, in my last 3 jobs I have managed to have good
relations with the CEO, and by ensuring that Tech Policies are _signed
and issued_ by him, I ensure his backing for when I hit the user.  At
that point, the user has not broken *my* Policy, but the CEO's.

> Coming to these messenger things, some of them can be blocked by
> blocking the protocol. If I remember correctly, guys in our
> team have done it at certain client sites in the past. I
> believe Yahoo Messenger is harder to block because it runs on
> HTTP, and looks indistinguishable from other HTTP traffic. This
> information is a few years old, though.
> I remember one major corporate network which was complaining
> that "Web browsing is terribly slow." We looked. And we found
> Yahoo Messenger. We also found that the damn Messenger client
> actually _polls_ the server at a steady frequency, even when no
> new information is present... it's purely a server-side HTTP
> based implementation, with the client initiating a query each
> time. This made Yahoo Messenger the only one which could work
> through most corporate firewalls (everyone allows HTTP) but
> also the most inefficient IM service in terms of bandwidth
> utilisation.

Yahoo works in different ways, but will fall back to HTTPS if all else
fails.  HTTP may not be good enough, if your proxy is smart enough.
But HTTPS is a direct connect.


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