Hi all,

I have a doubt. I have a PC running RH 9 with iptables set up. It has
two n/w cards. eth0 is connected to the internal network of the company
and gets its ip from the DHCP server which is also the name server etc
etc.eth1 is connected to a hub which forms my own small network running
its own DHCP server.

Once the PC has booted up and everything is working fine if I shut down
iptables then understandably the PC's on my eth1 n/w cannot access the
internet since I am using IPMASQ but still my PC can ping google.com.
Now if i restart the iptables service after making some changes to it
something goes wrong with my network. That is I can ping the PC's on the
eth1 network and I can also ping the pc's on the eth0 n/w but for some
reason my PC cannot resolv the domain names. It can ping the company
server and before anybody says it yes the contents of resolv.conf are

The problem goes away if i restart my network once again after
restarting the iptables. Now this not a problem as such just a nagging
doubt as to why do i need to restart the network after restarting
iptables although I have not made any changes to it.

Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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