Hey people,

I used to think that Oracle is licensed software.

I was reading this article on www.NewsForge.com which pointed me to this
oracle site which has a few download links at the top right hand corner
which includes oracle db for Linux/HP-UX/Win. I mean it has links to the
whole enchilada it just needs you to create an user account and accept
some weird license agreements based on the US gov requirements.

According to the license and yes I did bother to read some part of it.
It says that I can use it for "developing and prototyping your
applications". So I think it is ok if I use it for my personal knowledge

Am I missing anything here? GPL et al license gurus on the list comments

And if I am not missing anything then people go go go Download it.

Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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