> I would like to know if there is any possibility of it configuring it
> over linux and if anyone of you has configured it in your linuxbox  if
> so, I would be obliged if I am provided valuable guidance for the
> same. For your information, the wire which is supplied with the
> reliance mobile is a USB one whose one end is inserted in the mobile
> and the other end which is USB one is inserted in  USB port of CPU. 

Prof. G.R.Bhat had a real life experience on using his reliance mobile
for internet access. here is his story :

. Hi, I was at the Reliance web world last night with my notebook just
. check whether the rconnect service works as advertised at least for Linux. 
. We reached there just as they were about to close for the day (8.30 pm),
. but the person there was gracious enough to let us in and allowed us to
. outstay our welcome for whopping hour and a half after closing time while
. we put the service through a "linux compatibility" test.
. The staff there was unaware of Linux but again thats OK. They were sales
. and marketing, not technical and hence forgiven ;). The Binary ran fine on
. Redhat 9 (my notebook) - it asked me what device I was using (USB or
. Serial). I said USB, so it went and made /dev/rmodem a soft link to
. /dev/usb (strange!) and then proceeded to change /etc/ppp/options,
. /etc/ppp/ip-up.local and /etc/ppp/ip-down.local without any warning (and
. without backing up my versions). The README clearly said that my files
. would be backed up with a .old extension. My ip-up/down files are pretty
. much standard so no problem there. But this could be a major problem for
. those who do a lot of magic in their up/down scripts . Back Up!.
. After all this - when I ran the prescribed "rconnect" it did not work.
. That's when I checked the stuff that was going on under the pretty
. interface. I doubt if it installed any driver on my notebook. Once I
. figured that all they were using was a dialout (the ususal pppd + chat)
. script coupled with some changes to files in /etc/ppp, and making a blind
. softlink with whatever device was entered in the installer form, I decided
. to try my luck myself rather than use the install program,
. I got the Samsung handset to dial out using the standard USB ACM Modem
. drivers that come with RH9 (modprobe ub-uhci; modprobe acm), changed the
. /dev/rmodem to point to /dev/input/ttyACM0 (my /var/log/messages told me
. that the stock RedHat9 USB ACM driver had attached itself to this device)
. and ran the script that came with rconnect.
. It works!
. I got an IP assigned to me and my /etc/resolv.conf was set correctly to
. point to the Reliance DNS server (I had usepeerdns in /etc/ppp/options)
. and I happily pointed my browser to www.gnu.org :). The service was great
. (no one in the shop hassled us to leave inspite of the fact that it was
. well past closing time, In fact they watched with a lot of interest and
. gave me free run of the place), but the bandwidth was much lower than what
. I expected - about 1.7K/s consistently from 9 pm to 9.45 pm on the night
. of 25 June. Did I buy it? Well I didn't yesterday on account of the rather
. poor bandwidth that I got, but I will be definitely waiting and watching
. the throughput on my friends handsets with a lot of interest.
. A mobile IP gateway that I can carry around is too good to resist :)

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