Came in from ILUG-Bangalore:


We are happy to announce that speaker registration for Linux Bangalore/2003
is now open.

If you wish to give a talk at Linux Bangalore/2003, please head for 

Also make sure that you read the speaker guide before you submit a talk

Please note that speaker registration will be provisionally open till
November 8th. We will occasionally publish lists of submitted (not
*selected*) talks to give people an idea of what others are talking about,
but shortlisting for the 70+ talk slots will happen only after this
deadline, after which speakers will immediately be informed.

During this period, we will be interacting with speakers in email to help 
them fine tune their talks/topics.

We request speakers *not* to bombard the managers with enquiries about 
whether their talk has been selected, because *no* talk will be *selected* 
before the November 8th deadline. Till then, we are simply collecting and 
evaluating talk proposals.

The final schedule of talks will appear on the website in the last week of 

Outstation speakers are requested to give us a reference to your local 
Linux/OpenSource community that you participate in to help us with the 
evaluation process.

OK, that's the first bell for Linux Bangalore/2003 ;-), and is the 
beginning of a flood of announcements. If you want to participate in the 
discussions about the event, you should be on the event mailing list


Please remember - this is an Open Source community event, and will only 
work with the support of the Open Source community.

That means *you*, amigo! ;-)


Linux Bangalore/2003 - India's biggest Open Source event
December 2-4, Bangalore, India

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