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>>>>> "Mani" == A Subramani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Mani> I installed the certificates while compiling apache, make
    Mani> certificate TYPE=custom make install

    Mani> it did not give me an option of doing away with passwords

http://localhost/manual/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslpassphrasedialog says,

Description: Type of pass phrase dialog for encrypted private keys

When Apache starts up it has to read the various Certificate (see
SSLCertificateFile) and Private Key (see SSLCertificateKeyFile) files
of the SSL-enabled virtual servers. Because for security reasons the
Private Key files are usually encrypted, mod_ssl needs to query the
administrator for a Pass Phrase in order to decrypt those files. This
query can be done in two ways which can be configured by type:

* builtin
* exec:/path/to/program

You probably need the second one.

    Mani> Mani On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 11:42, Ambar Roy wrote:
    >> > I want to write a script that will automatically accept a
    >> password for > any application that requires one. e.g the
    >> apachectl startssl command > requires a password, since I have
    >> included this in the startup, I have > to enter a password (to
    >> start apache-ssl) every time I reboot the > machine. Any idea
    >> how to do this?  How about doing away with the passwords in
    >> your ssl certificates? I run a few web hosting servers, and
    >> almost all of them have no issues with SSL certs asking for
    >> passwords. Or is this because of the control panels that are in
    >> use??


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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