On Tue, 2003-10-21 at 14:05, A. Madhusudan , Gurgaon wrote:

> I just downloaded this linux with a compressed kernel image called zipslack
> (from Slackware), that can be just copied onto a FAT filesystem and loadlin
> executed from there for it to start working.
> The problem is that I need DOS to be there on my machine, and my machine
> currently has windows 2000. I need to know how to make my computer a dual
> boot system with one partition running on dos. Does this partition have to
> be the first partition (C drive). Also knowledge of how to use a bootloader
> would be of great help to me.

[From http://www.slackware.com/zipslack/ ]

ZipSlack is a special edition of Slackware Linux that can be installed
onto any FAT (or FAT32) filesystem with about 100 MB of free space. It
uses the UMSDOS filesystem and contains most of the programs you will
need. This means that you do not need to repartition your hard disk if

(Read this part)        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    

you already have DOS or Windows installed. ZipSlack installs into a
directory on your DOS filesystem. It can also be installed to and booted
from a Zip disk.

[/From http://www.slackware.com/zipslack/]

According to the above you DO NOT need to repartition your hdd. This is
the advantage of using these kind of Linux distributions. You do not
have to mess around with your existing PC. It also says it is happy as
long as you have DOS OR WINDOWS installed and I believe you said that
you do have Windows installed. 

As to DOS Umm I think Windows ships with its own version of DOS already
on the system. Try opening a run prompt(Windows shortcut key + "R") and
typing "cmd" or failing that "command" . 

Did you try running it by typing loadlin whatever long time since I used
zipslack under Win environment. forgotten the exact problems and syntax
for starting it up read the README i remember it to be pretty
comprehensive when i tried it out.

Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be filled
but a fire to be kindled.

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