dear all, past two weeks have been digging into the gnulinux soup of things, to set myself up with a professional, production-capable gnulinux box that handles graphic design and imaging.
for digital imaging, have just installed cinepaint. that just blew my socks away, even though i wasn't wearing any socks! just finished editing some image and just couldn't believe the results. cinepaint is a pixel-edit software, much like photoshop, in some cases better. forget gimp, try cinepaint if you come from the world of photoshop. for vector illustrations, have installed sodipodi, and find it comparable to illustrator and freehand. it can handle production-quality work as well, you just have a longer clickstream. do check out the screenshots and galleries on its website. this is a good software. for page-layout am rather disappointed by scribus, and find that openoffice does a fair amount of work for some types of documents (yes, i am talking pagelayout) and TeX of course, for what i call 'document-engineering'. Kile too is loaded here, and does a good job for publications in-between openoffice and teX. i find myself quite surprised with my research and digging around on digital video. please check out cinerella an all-in-one video-edit, 6-channel audio edit, 2d compositing, and much more. have also downloaded knio, a simple video-edit software that can take in your minidv camera and edit your movie. for 3d modelling, animation, rendering, have installed K-3D. this rocks. stable and mature. (yes, blender exists too, but check this out). and to keep me company while i burrow deep into digital creativity on gnulinux, xmms runs audio-streaming off the net for me. this is a totally new experience for me: a graphic and design workstation on gnulinux in actual production stuff. :-) LL _______________________________________________ ilugd mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]