On Thu, 2003-10-09 at 15:30, Vikas Upadhyay wrote:
> hi all,
> I am writing a small program to set the system time.I tried to using stime, but I 
> think that I am passing some wrong information to the function stime, as after using 
> it, the system time is set to Jan 1 1970 and kde session gets killed. 
> For stime, do I need to fill all the members of the structure struct tm or just few 
> (sec,min, hour, day, mon, year) can be filled and then used?
> Please help.
> Thanx in anticipation.
> Vikas
Maybe barking up the wrong tree but why not use rdate and synch system
time with a ntp server?
rdate -s ntp.server.whatever 
Sudev Barar

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