--- LinuxLingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
dear all,
> what's the best approach, with distro and release,
> to install linux on a
> pentium 1, 100mhz, 32mb ram, 4gb hard disk, such
> that the non-techie
> user gets his:
> 1) gui OS.
> 2) office suite (wordprocess, spreadsheet,
> presentation)
> 3) browser
> 4) email-client
> with point-and-click ease.
> thin-client is not an option.
You can start with an old distro like Slackware 4.2/RH
5. Alternatively, if you are geeky enough, start with
a Debian CD. For the GUI, choose IceWM/XFCE; for
browser dillo/links-graphic ; wordprocessor -
abiword/Siag office; email - sylpheed; spreadsheet -
gnumeric; File manager - mc, XWC(X Window Commander);
Text Editor - Nedit, vi; News - Pan; ftp - ncftp;
Image viewer - xli, xv; music and video -
xmms,internet dialup - kppp, Terminal emulator - rxvt,
aterm; Removing unnecessary services - tksysv;
presentation - ?.

-- narsingh

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