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>>>>> "LL" == linuxlingam  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    LL> an application am installing reports a failed dependency on
    LL> libXvso.1 googling, i learn i need to have either have (and i
    LL> quote):

    LL>       "a shared Xv library on your system, e.g. ls
    LL> /usr/X11R6/lib/libXv* should give you some .so libs, like
    LL> this:

    LL>       /usr/X11R6/lib/libXv.a /usr/X11R6/lib/libXv.so
    LL> /usr/X11R6/lib/libXv.so.1

    LL>       Alternatively you need to have libtool 1.4 or newer
    LL> installed. If not and you only got libXv.a you can create the
    LL> shared versions yourself:

    LL>        ld --whole-archive -shared -o libXv.so.1 libXv.a ln -s
    LL> libXv.so.1 libXv.so ldconfig"

    LL> i check the subdir, and find my libXv* files there.  i then
    LL> rpm -qa libtool and find a higher version installed.  then do
    LL> the ld to the ldconfig routine, warned during the ln -s
    LL> libXv.so1 libXv.so that the file exists.

    LL> try rpm -U *.rpm for my app, and find it still asks for the
    LL> dep.

RPM doesn't care what's installed on your disk.  RPM only cares about
what it's database says is installed.

You can install the whole Internet onto your hard disk, but RPM will
still say it can't find /bin/ls unless the fileutils RPM has been

The solution to fixing RPM dependencies is not creating more files on
the disk; the solution is to install the RPM that says ``these files
are installed''.

    LL> how do i resolve this, please?

I hope that makes it clear.


- -- Raju
- -- 
Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
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