On Mon, 2003-11-17 at 01:25, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:

> I personally would love to see what happens to the world if India 
> decides to patent '0'. :-D
> "Half the computing base belong to us"! :-P
> - Sandip

yup! china, india, egypt, greece, italy, and the indigenous
civilizations of brazil and others have contributed significantly to the
knowledge of the world.

in modern times, countries across mainland europe pushed the frontiers
of knowledge. an inventor in germany sold the 'computer' invention to
IBM nearly a century ago. the renaissance era was a flowering of
european learning and knowledge. almost all the serif fonts you see used
in the latin and related scripts, were also designed at that time.

i provoke a rather deep thought and insight here. which is why this
thought experiment haunts me all the time.

tell me, how does any civilization decide at which point-in-time does
knowledge become a 'property' owned by one civilization, by its own
laws, and imposed on others? for how much time-duration? more
importantly, how come indigenous knowledge of other civilizations can be
borrowed and incorporated into the legal ownership of another
civilization as well? at the expense of the original civilization?

in hindi, this is called: he who wields the stick, owns the buffalo.

hope china, india, and other civilizations of the world, wake up and
create a world of their own laws of ownership of their knowledge.

i would love to live in this kind of a world then. where *every*
civilization stakes claims, and counter-claims, for all knowledge since
ancient times, and a new trade and economy grows out of governments
patenting and licensing knowledge across countries and continents.

sco, ibm, m$, et al, will feel like small fry.


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