Just returned from Linux Bangalore/2003.

Seen this documentary movie Revolution OS, at the end of the first day, and
I am personally quite impressed.

I strongly recommend screening of the documentary movie at a future ILUG-D
meets. A nice review can be found at


Don't be fooled by the fairly specialized topic of Revolution OS: this is a
well-done documentary that will be of interest to anyone who's curious about
computer-related topics, whether they're an experienced techie who knows all
about the Linux vs. Windows debacle or just someone who's curious to know
what all this "Open Source" and "Free Software" stuff is all about.
Revolution OS shows not just the technical side of Linux's development, but
also the philosophical side, and as you'll see, ideas of community-building,
sharing, and encouraging creativity are at the heart of the GNU-Linux
system. With a nice widescreen transfer and a second disc packed with
extras, Revolution OS stands as a solid "recommended."


LB'2003 was a grand show and once again recommended strongly to one and all
to take time out and attend this one of the "largest Open Source
Conventions" in the world. Interested guys can read reviews at slashdot.org.

Anand Shankar

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