This is more of a confession than HOWTO but would like to share with all
who may be having similar problem. For a longtime I was foxed on how to
make copies of bootable CD's. Searching the web resulted in more
confusion. First I was able to make some progress when I was able to
make boot CD's from boot iso images downloaded from the internet. The
command was fairly simple:
"cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=0,0,0 /path/file.iso"
Here speed was determined by my recorder and dev was found by looking at
output of "cdrecord --scanbus"
As downloading boot iso is a painful matter of 600mb+ next problem was
how to make image from existing bootable CD? After lot of false starts
and more than a few wasted CDR's this also turned out to be most simple.
Just put the exiting boot CD in your drive and give:
"cat /dev/cdrom > /path/filename.iso"
I resisted of switching back to win and adopting a simple burn from Nero
or such but it did take a lot of time in trying to clear out that there
is no need to give path to image or files etc.
HTH to any one in similar situation.

Sudev Barar

Learning Linux

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