On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 17:51, Supreet Sethi wrote:

> What I do'nt understand where you got the idea of cluster or render farm
> on backend. You can refer to an article in Network Computing about thin
> client solutions few issues back. 

render farm on back-end to run distributed rastarization using stuff
like renderman, or check out blender3d.org for more info. also do note
that these days, hollywood movies use linux heavily.

ltsp makes it more exciting. rather than give high-end workstations to a
team of artists to create cells and stuff, let them all work
concurrently on a centralised server (either on the same file, or on
different files that make up a large project, using ltsp, and let the
ltsp server handle rendering and ray-tracing and stuff to have things
sped up....

> BTW there are better ways of doing render farm/ image processing using a
> protocol called RENDERMAN from Pixar. I think you must have come across
> that name. This we can further discuss off-list if you like


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