
>Good afternoon, folks!
>I found out about this list and joined a couple of days ago. Love the first two days!

Welcome to the list Venkat ! I'm sure you're gonna enjoy your
membership ! I hope you go for the meetings too. They're loads of fun,
and you get to meet funny...umm lets call them "Interesting"... people.

>I have a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA that I have been using for the last year or >so. 
>For those that weren't aware, this runs Linux on an ARM processor (2.4.6 >kernel). I 
>was wondering if there was anyone else out there in the NCR area >that is also a user 
>of the Zaurus.

Yay ! Another Zaurus user !!! I got mine a few months ago ... SL-5500 and
i LOVE it ! you can also upgrade your kernel to 2.4.18 ... i think
they're out with 2.4.21 too.

I'm not really in the NCR anymore as i've come to the US for further
studies. But i originate from delhi, and have been a member of the LUG
for quite a while.

I also plan to start programming the Zaurus pretty soon...as soon as i
get over with my current project.

Are you into development too ?


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