
in my spare time i was trying to compile openoffice, but i later
realised that it requires more than 1 gb to compile... i have an smb
share of about 1.7 gb available, however all attempts have gone in vain.

given here is the fstab excerpt.
i know its *highly* insecure...

option 1:
//exodus/openoffice     /home/rbs/openoffice-1.1.0-r2  smbfs          
defaults,users,username=rbs,password=tha,noauto   0 0

emerge openoffice fails with 'cant perform rm openoffice-1.1.0-r2'

option 2:
//exodus/openoffice     /var/tmp/portage/openoffice-1.1.0-r2   
smbfs           defaults,users,username=rbs,password=tha,noauto    0 0

emerge openoffice fails with 'cant write to /var/portage'... or a
similar error...

any ideas on what permissions to give to 
1. smb share
2. /var/portage

also, after mounting, i am unable to do a 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] chown portage.portage /var/portage
(although frankly i dont know why is that not allowed...)

any help would be greatly appreciated...


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