dear all,

about two years ago, was having a discussion with raj about the
fascinating account of how the tibetans in exile had recreated their
culture and literature, which was completely demolished and obliterated
by the chinese invasion, using principles from the GPL

though precious, sacred manuscripts were put to the flame, the tibetans
recreated the texts and arts through their sheer memory. and this time,
they published it on the internet digitally, and also released many of
their fonts, wordprocessors and other tools, using the GPL (!)

this story was covered by wired magazine almost a decade ago. i lost all
the urls, and just a few minutes ago, rediscovered them. so am sharing
it with all of you, as some of you may find this truly fascinating, and
shows how Free and opensource can be used for digitally extending the
life of cultures to the brink of extinction.

just love the way they encoded their fonts, their language, digitized
their books, and released them under copyleft licenses,
[the home for digital tibetan]

stuff on their software

digital texts


and in case some of you wanna check out the
tibetan computer company, check out their downloadable software
am sure most of that stuff can run under gnulinux using wine.

. . . gives you free audio, free books, free software, even a
flash animation comic of stories, and loads more, though most of their
licenses are not strictly GPL, but have some degrees of freedom.

. . . 


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