Hi Raj ,
    carry on this momento ....
   I am missing this great adventure due to my hectic shedule & (My boss).
    well ..... in future i will support this type of meet with 'Tan , Man
n Dhan'

   carry on guys


> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all you Dudes and Dudettes out there!
> Today (13th) is the last day of LinuxAsia 2004.  As you'd no doubt
> recall, ILUG-Delhi has a strong presence out there -- despite being
> relegated to the stall furthest from the ``real'' action, we're seeing
> more visitors than probably all the other exhibitors put together!
> So what're we doing at the ILUGD stall?
> We're playing loud music.  We mainly do 60s and 70s rock, but old
> Hindi is also available on request :)  I mention this because a
> gentleman from another, nearby stall popped in yesterday and said
> words to the effect of ``Thanks for the music, otherwise we'd have
> been very bored out here''
> We're selling CDs.  We currently have Knoppix 3.3, Fire 0.4, GnuWinII
> and Mandrake.  Plan to get Fedora Core 1 (3-CD set) today.  We've sold
> tons of CDs so far, and given away not a few.  Kapil is managing the
> CD sales, and he's henceforth given the title ``Supreme CD Sales
> Generalissimo for Life'' in ILUG-Delhi.
> We're giving demos of Linux to visitors.  If Sudev were selling
> anything he'd be a millionaire by now -- he's so busy demonstrating
> and discussing LTSP and Linux in the Office that he doesn't even get
> time to eat lunch!  AshLin stands near the entrance of the stall and
> charms visitors into having a look, and you know what they say, one
> look and they're hooked.
> We're pledging support to educational and government institutions who
> visit the stall.  Expect a long list of TODOs once the event is over
> - -- we've committed to propagating Linux and Free Software all over
> India, from Almora to Ahmedabad.  And, of course, in Delhi.
> We're having a ball!  The days have passed by in a haze of activity,
> and the evenings in a haze of food and alcohol.
> So come on, visit the stall up to 2pm today and buy a couple of CDs,
> talk to some people, make a convert, join the festivities.
> And while you're there, don't forget to give a special thanks to the
> people who made this possible.  You will get the whole list, but for
> now let me mention (to the best of my abilities, which are nearly 0 at
> 0800) those who have selflessly (well, OK, for a couple of samosas)
> and fearlessly stood up and been counted:
> Amitabh
> Anirban
> AshLin
> Kapil
> Kishore
> Mairu
> Mary
> Pankaj
> Sudev
> Viksit
> Vivek
> Please give a large hand to these folks.  If our LUG has managed to
> achieve anything, it is because of people like you and your unflagging
> enthusiasm.
> ..and if I've inadvertently missed you out, please forgive -- extra
> samosa on me for you today, and maybe even a free cup of tea :)
> Regards,
> - -- Raju
> - --
> Raj Mathur                [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://kandalaya.org/
>        GPG: 78D4 FC67 367F 40E2 0DD5  0FEF C968 D0EF CC68 D17F
>                       It is the mind that moves
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Ritesh Agrawal
Belmaks Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
17D - N.I.T
Faridabad (Haryana)

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