On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 15:13, Manoj K Gupta wrote:
> Hi Arindam,
> I noticed ur query today only.
> > On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 17:25, Chithirai Selvan.R Alias Vimal thus
> > hollered from the roof:
> >
> > > this is my setup. 

---------> This is where I pop in trying to help not asking for it.

> > Since nobody replied to the query,


Very nice and thoughtful of you trying to help. But please please go
through the whole thread at least a cursory glance through it would have
told you I am not asking for help albeit trying to give it.

And please DO NOT TOP POST.(People who are against this no flames please
this is just my view). Now the perennial question 

"What is top posting?" 

For that go here http://www.kandalaya.org/guidelines.html

Spend a few minutes of your "valuable time" reading through it.

And even if you do top post at least look through the crap that is there
in the mail below it and [Snip] through it.

And to the list-admin why oh why does this does particular persons mail
always pop up twice in my mail box? Is it just me? Or is this guy trying
to antagonize me because he is succeeding. 

Nah this time the same mail did not pop up twice our friend here sent
the mail twice once after simply hitting the reply button and adding
"invaluable" help to it. Second time he noticed the [SPAM] tag courtesy
my Spamassassin on the subject line of the first mail and he went "Oh my
gosh, I should remove that! And SEND IT AGAIN!" and removed it and sent
it again within the minute.

Why oh why did you do this?

To everybody else sorry for the long rant.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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