i understood each and every word u wrote, infact i was
wondering why people don't reply to my post(s), now i
realised that i was actually 'hijacking' threads ;)

hope i won't be branded as 'hijacker' anymore :)


--- Raj Shekhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Amit Sharma wrote:
> > 
> > looks like i got to switch to qmail :)
> > 
> > any comments?
> > 
> Qmail is a good option, postfix is something else
> you may consider for 
> your need. Another thing, you have just hijacked a
> thread.
> To start a new topic of discussion (commonly called
> a thread), compose a 
> new message.  Hit the "Write new message" button (or
> whatever button 
> your client  uses).  Type in the address of the
> mailing list as the To 
> address.  This is the only way to actually start a
> new thread.
> Please start a new thread instead of taking an
> already ongoing one, 
> changing the subject line and posting it again. The
> subject line is only 
> loosely related to the threading.  Every mail
> message has a message-id. 
>   When you "reply" or "follow up" to a message, you
> client is supposed 
> to put a References header with the message-id of
> the message you are 
> replying to.
> If you use an existing thread, the result is that
> your question is 
> buried below unrelated questions when looking at the
> mailing list in a 
> threaded way. This is known as "Hijacking threads".
> It causes 
> information to be lost and you'll be less likely to
> get an answer.  In 
> my mail client, all messages in the same thread are
> collapsed to a 
> single line in my subjects list until i read the
> first one. If I don't 
> read that thread, I would never see the question on
> "Sendmail" here
> I'm sorry that most people don't use a mail client
> smart enough to
> display the mail messages in a threaded way. If I
> could, I would help 
> every one of you unfortunate individuals change over
> to a better mail 
> client. I realize that's impossible. For those of
> you that can't use a 
> mail client that displays threads properly, please
> quit penalizing those 
> of us that do. Stop hijacking threads.
> I'm not intending this message as a flame.  I'm
> simply trying to educate 
> readers what "hijacking" the thread means and how
> it's harmful.
> -- 
>                          \°°/
>                          (oo)
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