On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 13:35, LinuxLingam wrote:

> > LL, do keep the list posted about what you find.

just got an email from mary, who usually lurks on this list. pointed me
to www.nvu.com which is exactly what i wanted.

please check it out, this is a graphics-oriented, WYSIWYG web-design
tool. the product is created by Lindows, who have recently changed their
name to Lin---s (pronounced Lindash) in response to a lawsuit from a
large, monopolistic company that owns a similar sounding product, but
which is based on a generic english language term, which usually is
rather difficult to trademark.

anyways, nvu is perfect. it is based on mozilla composer, and the
authors have announced they will publish it under a tri-license of
mozilla/gpl/lgpl  (!) so check their site.

do check out the screenshots.

mary, would you like to give a presentation or talk at a girl's college
in delhi, on linux, please?



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