This in context of Mukunds post on LIH.

During the recent LinuxAsia2004 at Delhi my discussions with many people
dropping in at The ILUG-Delhi stall is summarised as:
1: OpenSource is muft and mukt is alluring to Indian psyche.
2: Linux is ready for adoption in SME world of India business.
3: OO and Evolution are first killer apps that have lent to this
4: What is missing is a "Tally" like package. (Also ack. the fact that
majority Tally use is off-license!!) And converters for old data from
popular packages.

Can some forum be formed to support / adapt any existing FLOSS project?
Can Indian FLOSS community work like this and show that we can make
excellent community source package?

Comments criticism or eyeopeners if I have missed any such existing

Sudev Barar

Learning Linux

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