
I would like to know why did you hijack the '[ilugd] [Non-Commercial] Can we have a commercial list' thread ? I have started a new thread for your query. Please use it for further discussion.

A longer explanation on why hijacking is bad is below.

To start a new topic of discussion (commonly called a thread), compose a new message. Hit the "Write new message" button (or whatever button your client uses). Type in the address of the mailing list as the To address. This is the only way to actually start a new thread.

Please start a new thread instead of taking an already ongoing one, changing the subject line and posting it again. The subject line is only loosely related to the threading. Every mail message has a message-id. When you "reply" or "followup" to a message, you client is supposed to put a References header with the message-id of the message you are replying to.

If you use an existing thread, the result is that your question is buried below unrelated questions when looking at the mailing list in a threaded way. This is known as "Hijacking threads". It causes information to be lost and you'll be less likely to get an answer. In my mail client, all messages in the same thread are collapsed to a single line in my subjects list until i read the first one.

I'm not intending this message as a flame. I'm simply trying to educate readers what "hijacking" the thread means and how it's harmful.

+--------------------ooO-- -Ooo---------------------------------+
|Raj Shekhar                 |My home:                          |
|System Administrator        |http://geocities.com/lunatech3007 |
|Media Web India             |My blog:                          |
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                      ooO Ooo

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