On Thu, 2004-03-04 at 16:07, Arindam Dey wrote:
> Try adding these two statements and changing your foo() function
> char * foo()
> {
>         char string[200];
>         char * ptr=NULL;
>         strcpy(string,"hello world");
>         printf("StrAddr=%x\n",&string[0]); // Print address of the
> starting                                //  of the string
>         ptr=string;
>         printf("PtrAddr=%x\n",ptr);  //Print the address of the ptr
>                                    //not the contents
> }

Apologies for replying to my own mail. But I or my MUA made a horrendous
formatting error for my comment above. The word "starting" will be after
the beginning of the second "//" comment starter. Although I am pretty
sure you will correct my ineptitude automatically there was another
reason to reply again.

You can use the value of the "ptr" in the main function although it is a
local variable because it is made on the heap and thus although the
pointer itself is gone meaning you cannot use ptr->something in main but
since you have not cleared or freed the memory location using delete()
in the function the value stored in the memory location is still present
and thus the printf statement in the main is happily printing whatever
is stored in that particular memory location. Since the variable
"string" in main has been assigned the memory location or address
earlier being used by the ptr in the function foo.


Arindam Dey

The mind is not a vessel to be 
filled but a fire to be kindled.

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