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Hello all,
        Well! there's been a lot of praise about PCQ Linux here.
        I don't have intentions on creating a fame war but I'd like to
        know through this list with all the people that,"Is it so that
        GNU/Linux is mostly termed as Red Hat here, particularly in
        India". I've seen people  disguising GNU/Linux as Red Hat. Even
        it has been rare to see the magazines (like PCQuest and LFY)
        distributing anything else than Red Hat (Now cloned to Fedora).
        What is more worse is that the goodies provided on the cd's are
        mostly RPM's specifically packaged for Red Hat.  --- Why So ?

        Yes, and there might be some answers to me, I'm providing a
        reply in advance :-)
        a) Red Hat is the most popular distribution in the world.
        b) It is easier for the newbies. (But don't forget the Power
        c) For goodies distributed on the cd's you'd suggest to use
        third party tools like Alien for rpm to deb. But why not simply
        distribute the source archive along with the RPM's to make
        everyone happy. Because RPM's packaged are specific to Red Hat
        and conversion tools won't be that perfect IMHO.
        d) Some might say that distributions like LIFY, Knoppix, Morphix
        have already been distributed. "But those were all LIVE CD's".
        Can't someone modify/localize Slackware/Debian to be called as
        the next PCQ Linux 2005.
        e) Red Hat is the most commercially accepted distribution. --
        But was GNU/Linux built at Commercilization as it's first
        preference ?

What view does "Linux Lingam" have on it ? I know he was stuck to some
dependency problems (Indirect apt problems). Might be cursing the distro
that made it ;-)


Ritesh Raj Sarraf       Email: rrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] researchut.com
Web: http://www.researchut.com  Phone: +91-9899655651
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