Mission: To develop and maintain a state of the art Linux server

Weapons and Armory: Squid, CVS, Sendmail, Perl, ………

Assignment Summary: Apart from other sys admin activities you will be required to 
setup and maintain a state of the art Linux server loaded with software like Squid, 
CVS, Sendmail etc. So if you are a self starter want to make a career as a Linux guru, 
we invite you to join us at Objectrix and take the right step forward in realizing 
your dream.
Contact: If you think you have the makings of a Linux guru in you then contact Vishal 
Phone 9811462484

About Objectrix

Objectrix is a dedicated group of technology and management professionals with 
experience of working in some of the largest software companies. 

Objectrix works with both global and local companies (technology companies and large 
corporations) to provide them with outsourced software services, spanning the complete 
software product lifecycle.

[ http://www.linux-delhi.org/ilugd/../cgi-bin/ilugd/news.cgi?action=news&nId=14 ]

Vishal puri
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- Delhi.

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