> On Screen:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # getmail
> getmail - POP3 mail retriever with reliable Maildir and command delivery.
> getmail version 3.2.1
> Copyright (C) 2001 Charles Cazabon
> Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.  See the file
> COPYING for details.
> Written by Charles Cazabon <getmail @ discworld.dyndns.org>
> getmail started for [EMAIL PROTECTED]@pop.net4india.com:110
>   POP3 greeting:  +OK POP3 Ready mx1.net4india.com
>   POP3 user response:  +OK USER [EMAIL PROTECTED] set
>   POP3 PASS response:  +OK You are so in
>   POP3 stat response:  3 messages, 5180 octets
>   POP3 list response:  +OK 3 messages (5180 octets)
>   msg #1/3 : len 2579 ... retrieved ... failed delivering message (refuse
> to deliver
> to commands as root), skipping
>   msg #2/3 : len 1301 ... retrieved ... failed delivering message (refuse
> to deliver
> to commands as root), skipping
>   msg #3/3 : len 1300 ... retrieved ... failed delivering message (refuse
> to deliver
> to commands as root), skipping
>   finished retrieving messages
> POP3 session completed for "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Retrieved 0 messages for 0 local recipients
> getmail finished for [EMAIL PROTECTED]@pop.net4india.com:110

are you tring to run getmail as non root user?
 first copy getmailrc to  /root/..getmail/getmailrc
then execute getmail from root account.
i think w/o root privilege getmail can't deliver the mail to others users
account directory

 If i am wrong then correct me
--Ritesh Agrawal

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