Raj Mathur wrote:
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A client is running NAT on a Linux box for his bandwidth customers.
Now he needs to be able to catch spam and virus e-mails at the NAT
gateway itself.  Is there any way to transparently redirect outgoing
SMTP into a local Sendmail (preferred) or other mail server for the
Milter-type stuff?

Would a simple REDIRECT into a locally-running Sendmail do the trick?
Reason I ask is because it doesn't work with Squid for port 80 -- you
have to explicitly tell Squid it's acting as a transparent proxy.


Not sure if sendmail (or any other MTA for that matter) is what you should be using. I guess that with a heavy amount of configuration wizardry, you could get it to work as an SMTP proxy instead of a relay. But why not look at stuff like anti-spam SMTP proxy (assp.sourceforge.net) which is custom built for this kind of work.

Heck, your client could even run POP3Scan (p3scan.sourceforge.net) or PostArmor (www.postarmor.com) and protect his clients from incoming spam/viruses.

Hope that helps...
Varun Varma

P.S. If you think I should have written "spam/virii", have a look at:


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