hi vivek,
a good compilation.It will definitely encourage people and especially
newbies to attend the meets.I am the unlucky chap out as i reside in

On Thu, 2004-04-01 at 14:00, vivek khurana wrote:
> Hi! guyz
>  I had been attending ilugd meets regularly for past
> few months. Based on the experience of myself and some
> other first timers, i had compiled a list of myths and
> realities regarding ilugd meet. Hope i can galvanize
> few other guyz to start attending the meet.
> Btw, if any one knows any other myth please post it to
> the list.
> =======================================================
> Myth1: linux delhi meets are serious matter
> Reality: you must be joking. Linux delhi meets are
> anything but serious. the environment of meet is
> really cool and after party is even better.
> Myth2: You have to be linux expert to attend ilugd
> meet.
> Reality: If you think so, think again. Most of the
> members attending the meet are either newbies (some
> also pretend to be) or are having intermediate linux
> expertise.
> Myth3: Linux delhi meets are a formal affair.
> Reality: Did you said formal. Ya ilugd meets are
> formal if your definition of formal incorporates
> hanging around, having a ball of fun, partying etc.
> Myth4: You have to register before attending the meet.
> Reality: You don't have to register, just walkin to
> the venue and grab a seat. Ya don't forget to shell
> out when asked to do so(only earning members are
> compiled to do so). However, you might be asked to
> register yourself for some meets (such as newbies
> meet), depending on the arrangements (if any) have to
> be made.
> Myth5: But i am a sleeping member of ilugd.
> Reality : No member is a sleeping member, evenif you
> have registered yourself for receiving digests you are
> a active member. If you still believe you are a
> sleeping member then WAKEUP and make sure you reach to
> ilugd meet venue next time.
> Myth6: But i do't live in delhi how can i attend the
> meet.
> Reality: Sorry guyz this is not a myth, its a reality.
> You won't be attend the meet if you are not in delhi
> on the day of meet.
> =======================================================
> Regards
> VK
> =====
> Disclamer
> The facts expressed here belong to everybody, the opinions to me. The distinction is 
> yours to draw...
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